Shree Shakti Engineering is pioneer in manufacture and supplier of Big Size Gear in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The Big size gear manufactures bringing about cutting edge improvements in configuration, designing, and machining with extraordinary performance, precision and reliability. The needs of big size Gears are used in dam gate manufacturer. It requires more floor space for manufacturing process as well as installation.

The big size gears is manufacture with different forming process like mixing different materials, heat treatment we are having a brief contrast between them because of the different design, size of the Big size gears according to the client requirement. As we are having strong production capability, powerful smooth and finish machining capabilities diameter of 50 mm to 20 mm and the length of 76 mm to 915 mm according to the client requirement. Shree Shakti engineering manufacture big size gears with advanced technology, different type of heat treatment capabilities, temperature, high frequency surface etc.


  • Power generation
  • Cement plant
  • Port machinery
  • Dams
  • Heavy machinery industry


  • Less maintenance cost
  • Cost effective
  • Noise free